Polen pleit voor toetreding Kroatië tot de EU (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Pools voorzitterschap Europese Unie 2e helft 2011 i, gepubliceerd op maandag 9 mei 2011.

Prime Minister Donald Tusk i concluded his three day visit to the Balkans with a trip to Croatia on Saturday, with Zagreb close to finalising negotiations on joining the EU.

Tusk had talks with his Croatian counterpart Jadranka Kosor and the country’s president Ivo Josipovic.

PM Tusk reaffirmed Poland’s support for Croatia’s EU membership bid and indicated that one of the goals of Poland’s EU presidency in the second half of this year will be to finalise accession negotiations.

“During Poland’s presidency we will make every effort and take all steps in order to make the idea of EU enlargement a reality and not just a slogan. We want to share our experience and offer help to Croatia in the same way we were offered help when becoming an EU member in 2004,” Tusk told reporters in Zagreb.

A poll taken by CRO Demoscop, however, finds support in Croatia for EU membership has fallen by six percent in the last month.

Forty four percent declare their support for accession, down from 52 percent in April. Observers point to the conviction and sentencing of two Croatian generals, Ante Gotovina and Mladen Markac to 24 and 18 years imprisonment respectively at the court in The Hague for the reason for the fall in support.

The visit to Zagreb wraps up the Polish PM's three day tour of to the Balkans. Prior to Croatia, Donald Tusk had visited Serbia and Montenegro.

source: www.thenews.pl

photo: www.premier.gov.pl