Eurocommissaris Barnier praat met Europarlementariërs over de interne markt (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Parlement (EP) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 14 april 2011, 13:05.

After his presentation Wednesday of the final Single Market Act proposals, Internal market Commissioner Michel Barnier met Internal Market Committee MEPs to debate his plans to revive the EU single market, boost EU competitiveness and spur growth.

Mr Barnier outlined the 12 single market "levers" or key proposals, in the Commission's action plan to give a fresh boost to the single market ahead of the 20th anniversary of Jacques Delors i' original single market programme.

The 12 levers are designed to improve access to finance for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), citizens' mobility, intellectual property rights, consumer confidence, the free movement of services, networks in energy, telecommunications and transport, the digital single market, social business, taxation (including putting in place a common consolidated corporate tax base), social cohesion, the regulatory environment for businesses and public procurement procedures.

Leadership and governance

MEPs quizzed the Commissioner on leadership and governance of the single market. "Without leadership we will not be able to get the market going", said Sandra Kalniete (EPP, LV). Louis Grech (S&D, MT) voiced doubts as to the Council's sense of "ownership" of the action plan and asked the Commissioner whether he was confident that the relaunch would achieve this. In his reply, Mr Barnier referred MEPs to the Act's final section on governance, which deals with this issue in depth.

Creating fairer, greener growth

"Citizens' concerns need to be put at the forefront", said Evelyne Gebhardt (S&D, DE), adding that she found the text presented "rather vague" about this. For the Greens, Heide Rühle (DE) asked about the Commissioner's plans on energy efficiency. Mr Barnier assured MEPs that "new growth" is "more than a slogan" and that he remained committed to a greening of the economy as well as "strengthening the idea of fairness".

Jürgen Creutzmann (ALDE, DE) urged Mr Barnier to "avoid extra burdens" for small and medium-sized companies and to facilitate their access to capital. In his reply, Mr  Barnier outlined his plans for promoting venture capital and aired the idea of an EU grant for SMEs.

MEPs also asked about Mr Barnier's plans for e-commerce, boosting job creation and EU competitiveness on the global market, innovation, mobility for professionals, clarity of legislation, the common corporate tax, and conveying the benefits of the single market to citizens, rather than talking "over their heads".

Parliament's involvement

The 12 levers should by no means be considered "exclusive actions", the Commissioner stressed, but will be followed up by supplementary measures with the collective aim of stimulating new, greener and fairer growth for Europe. He also thanked Parliament, and in particular Internal Market Committee Chair Malcolm Harbour (ECR, UK) for its involvement..

On the committee's behalf, Mr Harbour assured Mr Barnier that Parliament would remain "equally committed" to making the Single Market Act a success.

In the chair: Malcolm Harbour (ECR, UK)