Weer drie hoofdstukken toetredingsonderhandelingen Kroatië afgerond (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Raad van de Europese Unie (Raad) i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 5 november 2010.

The twelfth meeting of the Accession Conference with Croatia at Deputy level was held today in Brussels, following the start of negotiations on 3 October 2005, to provisionally close Chapter 4 - Free Movement of Capital and Chapter 14 - Transport Policy, and to open and provisionally close Chapter 34 - Institutions. The Institutions chapter includes provisions for the future representation of Croatia in the EU Institutions once it becomes a fully fledged member of the European Union.

The European Union delegation was headed by Ambassador Jean de Ruyt, Belgium's Permanent Representative to the EU. The Croatian delegation was led by Ambassador Vladimir Drobnjak, Chief Negotiator for Accession Negotiations with the EU.

In light of the positions of the Parties and the considerable progress made with preparations in all areas under negotiation in the respective chapters, the Conference was able to provisionally close these three chapters. The European Union also underlined that it would devote particular attention to monitoring all specific issues mentioned in its common positions with a view to ensuring Croatia's administrative capacity to develop policies and instruments as close as possible to those of the EU before accession. The EU will, if necessary, return to these chapters at an appropriate moment.

Furthermore, the Conference considered a proposal for transitional arrangement in Chapter 4 - Free Movement of Capital on acquisition of agricultural land. In the chapter Transport Policy, the Conference also considered proposals for transitional arrangements in the fields of national and international road haulage services (cabotage), rail transport and maritime cabotage.

Further details on the chapters are provided below:

Chapter 4 - Free Movement of Capital

  • The negotiations on Chapter 4 - Free Movement of Capital were opened on 2 October 2009 at an Accession Conference at Ministerial level. At this meeting of the Conference, the EU noted that, in order for the chapter to be provisionally closed, Croatia would, with respect to capital movements and payments, have to complete legislative alignment with the acquis and to demonstrate that it would be able to fully implement it by accession. With respect to the acquisition of real estate in Croatia by nationals of the EU Member States, Croatia was requested to ensure that all EU nationals receive the same treatment as Croatian nationals. Croatia would also have to complete legislative alignment on anti-money laundering, including confiscation, and to demonstrate through a track record an adequate administrative capacity to properly implement and enforce the relevant legislation in all areas related to anti-money laundering.

Chapter 14 - Transport Policy

The negotiations on Chapter 14 - Transport Policy were opened on 21 April 2008 at an Accession Conference at Deputy level. At this meeting of the Conference the EU noted that, in order for the chapter to be provisionally closed, Croatia would, inter alia, have to adopt legislative amendments aimed at transposing and implementing the acquis on social conditions in road transport and start its application; to establish a competent and effective railway regulatory body; to ratify the European Common Aviation Area agreement and to implement its first transitional phase.

Chapter 34 - Institutions

The Conference was able to open and provisionally close Chapter 34 - Institutions. The EU recalled that as from accession, Croatia is entitled to be represented within the European Council and the Council, and that, should Croatia accede before 1 November 2014, the Commission will, in accordance with Article 17(4) TEU, comprise from the date of accession a national of Croatia.

The Conference also considered that, should Croatia accede to the EU before the end of the current 2009-2014 parliamentary term, Article 2 of the Protocol on transitional provisions annexed to the TEU, the TFEU and the EAEC Treaty shall be adapted temporarily so as to allocate 12 additional seats in the European Parliament to Croatia for the remainder of that term. For the next parliamentary term, provided that Croatia has by then joined the Union, the general reallocation of seats in the European Parliament, including those allocated to Croatia, will be determined in accordance with Art.14(2)TEU second subparagraph and Article 2(3) of the Protocol on transitional provisions, as inserted by the Protocol amending the Protocol on transitional provisions annexed to the TEU, the TFEU and the EAEC Treaty, signed by the Member States on 23 June 2010, once it will have entered into force.

Furthermore the Conference considered that the Union's territorial scope shall be amended to include Croatia and that Croatian shall be recognised as an official EU language.


Since the start of negotiations 34 (out of 35) chapters have been opened for negotiations and 25 chapters have been provisionally closed. A further Accession Conference is planned for this year, as appropriate, in order to take the process forward.