Gelukwensen van Barroso aan de nieuwe minister-president van Tsjechië Petr Necas (en)
President Barroso has sent the following message of congratulation to the new Prime Minister of the Czech Republic, Mr Petr Necas i:
"On behalf of the European Commission, I have the pleasure to convey to you our warmest congratulations on the occasion of your appointment as Prime Minister of the Czech Republic and of the nomination of your cabinet of ministers.
I am confident that under your leadership the Czech Republic will succeed in overcoming the economic crisis and its impacts. The Commission will do all it can to support the necessary reforms which you and your team plan to implement in your country.
Allow me to express my personal good wishes to Czech people and you and wish you every success in the tasks which lie ahead of you and your ministers.
Please accept, dear Prime Minister, the assurances of my highest consideration.
I look forward to welcoming you soon in Brussels."