Toetredingscriteria volgens het Europees Parlement (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Parlement (EP) i, gepubliceerd op maandag 23 november 2009, 21:38.

Current and potential candidate countries must continue reforming to stay on track for eventual EU membership. Key issues such as rule of law, freedom of expression, treatment of ethnic minorities and the fight against corruption and organised crime must still be addressed, says a resolution approved by the Foreign Affairs Committee on Monday and scheduled for a plenary vote on 26 November.

Parliament's resolution on the European Commission's 2009 enlargement strategy for the Western Balkan countries, Iceland and Turkey, drafted by Gabriele Albertini (EPP, IT) will be debated in plenary on Wednesday afternoon and put to a plenary vote on Thursday 26 November at noon.

Overall, Parliament reaffirms its commitment to the enlargement policy, one of the most successful of all EU policies.

On the rule of law, MEPs welcome efforts made in the region, although some countries continue to face challenges in the fight against corruption and organised crime. On freedom of expression, the resolution considers freedom of media from political interference and the independence of the regulatory bodies as priorities for the Western Balkans and Turkey.

MEPs urge authorities in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Albania to take steps to fulfil all relevant criteria so that visa liberalisation for their citizens can come into force from July 2010. The Commission is asked to start a visa dialogue with the Kosovo authorities "as soon as possible". MEPs also advocate establishing a roadmap for visa facilitation and liberalisation, similar to those with Western Balkan countries.

The resolution says that bilateral disputes should be resolved by the parties concerned. These disputes should not constitute an obstacle to progress towards accession, but the EU should endeavour to resolve them before accession, it adds. 

Among the criteria that all Balkan countries should respect, MEPs emphasise the need for full co-operation with the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) and the need to improve the situation of ethnic minorities, in particular the Roma.


On country-specific issues, MEPs say accession negotiations should be concluded as soon as possible, provided that Croatia steps up its efforts and fulfils all the necessary criteria and benchmarks, including full co-operation with ICTY. The bilateral agreement on resolving the border dispute with Slovenia has created the momentum to open further chapters in the accession process, says the resolution.

MEPs are confident that the accession negotiations with Croatia can be concluded by mid-2010. Croatia is asked to step up its efforts to strengthen its public administration, reform its judiciary system, combat corruption and organised crime, ensure the sustainability of refugee return and allow the ICTY to access documents requested for use in war crime trials.


The Council is asked to confirm the Commission’s recommendation to open and to set a date at the December summit for starting negotiations. The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) still has to reform its public administration and its judiciary, fight corruption and improve women’s rights and inter-ethnic relations. MEPs welcome the fact that the country has met all the benchmarks for visa liberalisation.

On the name issue, Parliament calls on the governments of both countries to intensify their efforts to find a solution. The FYROM government should avoid actions and statements that could negatively affect relations with its neighbour. The recent establishment of a diplomatic relations with Kosovo is underlined.


The resolution highlights the importance of a swiftly implementing judicial reform to improve the functioning of the Turkish State and society. MEPs regret the limited progress made in the area of freedom of religion (non-Muslim and Alevi communities) and freedom of expression, following the unprecedented fine imposed on a media group. The non-fulfilment of commitments stemming from the Additional Protocol to the EC-Turkey Association Agreement is also criticised by MEPs. Turkey is urged to proceed to its full and non-discriminatory implementation.

MEPs welcome Turkey's signing of the Nabucco gas pipeline agreement and call for the opening of the energy chapter in the accession negotiations. Diplomatic efforts made to normalise relations with Armenia are underlined. The Turkish Grand National Assembly, as well as the Parliament of Armenia, should ratify the relevant protocols, says the resolution.

Western Balkans countries

The Council should ratify the Interim Agreement (IA) without delay, says the resolution. Unilateral implementation of the IA by Serbia shows the country's commitment to moving forward on its path to membership, according to MEPs. The Agreement could be signed by the EU at its December summit.

Parliament welcomes Serbia's additional progress concerning co-operation with the ICTY, as noted in the latest ICTY Chief Prosecutor's report. However, MEPs regret the Serbian authorities' actions in calling on Kosovo Serbs to boycott the mid-November elections. Serbia is also asked to step up its co-operation with the EU rule of law mission EULEX, especially in northern Kosovo.

MEPs note some progress in the area of security and border management by Bosnia and Herzegovina, but are dissatisfied overall with the limited progress achieved. The country's unstable political climate and the lack of a common vision shared by the Muslim-Croat Federation and the Serb Republic (Republika Srpska) is a concern for MEPs. The Council should to continue its efforts to pursue a dialogue with political leaders in Bosnia and Herzegovina, in order to help the country and its peoples remain on the path to EU integration, says the resolution.

MEPs welcome the Commission's intention to strengthen relations with Kosovo, including exploring the possibility of Kosovo's participation in Community programmes.  The process of decentralisation should be concluded before the end of the year in line with the Ahtisaari Plan. They also welcome the hitherto unprecedented good turnout of Kosovo Serbs, which they see as an encouraging indication that the Kosovo Serb community is willing to acknowledge its responsibilities.

MEPs recognise the progress made by Albania and Montenegro since the last progress reports and encourage both countries to continue their efforts on the reform path. Parliament welcomes last week's EU foreign ministers' decision to invite the Commission to prepare its opinion on the country's application.


Finally, MEPs welcome Iceland's July 2009 decision to join the EU. The country’s extensive alignment with EU legislation should entitle it to receive candidate status in the near future, they say.

The resolution was adopted with 58 votes in favour, 8 against and 9 abstentions


Chair : Gabriele ALBERTINI (EPP, IT)