Illegale visserij bedreiging voor biodiversiteit (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Zweeds voorzitterschap Europese Unie 2e helft 2009 i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 9 september 2009.

Spain's environment minister Elena Espinosa is one of the ministers who participated in the high level meeting 'Visions for Biodiversity Beyond 2010 – People, Ecosystem Services and the Climate Crisis'. Spain will be the next country to hold the Presidency of the EU and Espinosa was the moderator for one of the ministers' sessions.

What are your impressions of the high level meeting in Strömstad?

“We have had intensive and essential discussions on the responsibility of the EU and the world for one of the most decisive issues for the future – biodiversity, the basis for all life on earth

Is economic valuation a way to put biodiversity on the political agenda?

“Today we have heard Pavan Sukhdev present the latest results from the TEEB study that aims to put a value on nature’s services in economic terms, services such as clean water and food, but also nature’s own ability to deal with climate change, for example. This was very useful information that gave us as politicians a solid foundation to stand on when it comes to the importance and value of biodiversity and its connection to the issue of climate change. These facts and calculations are important ahead of the UN Climate Change Conference in December and in the work to draw up ambitious goals for biodiversity beyond 2010.”

How will Spain continue to address the issue of biodiversity during its Presidency?

“We will continue the discussions that have been conducted here in Strömstad by inviting our EU colleagues to a similar conference in January 2010. That will be an important step in the EU’s ongoing process. Later in the spring we will arrange a further conference focusing on biodiversity and the forest fires that hit southern Europe every year and form a serious threat to biodiversity.”

How are the preparations for the Spanish EU Presidency going?

“As we all know, a Presidency requires long preparations. Sweden knows that better than anyone just now… We have been preparing for a long time and are looking forward to the task. You have to sow in order to reap later. I hope we will be able to do that during our six months as holders of the EU Presidency from January 2010.”

Which environmental issues will be in focus during the Spanish Presidency?

“Firstly, we will have the major task of working on the result of the UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen in December, which is very important. Secondly, we will continue the important process of EU preparations that has been initiated ahead of the CBD summit in Nagoya next autumn. There, the EU and the world will decide on a new global target for biodiversity. Another issue that will be on our agenda is how the EU is to combat the problem of illegal fishing, which is itself a serious threat to biodiversity.”