Speciale interventie-units voor betere politiesamenwerking (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Parlement (EP) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 19 december 2007.

An Austrian initiative to improve co-operation among EU countries' special police intervention units in crisis situations won strong support from the EP Civil Liberties Committee on 18 December. The committee's non-binding consultation report backs the Council initiative, and inserts only a few amendments, to clarify concepts such as "crisis situation" and how Member States may co-operate.

MEPs understand that co-operation among such "special intervention units" should be activated voluntarily, at the request of the Member State affected, "in man-made crisis situations presenting a serious direct physical threat to persons, property, infrastructure or institutions, in particular hostage taking, hijacking and similar events".

Exchanging personal data

The Austrian initiative complements the so-called "Prüm Decision", adopted by all EU Member States last summer to ensure that detailed personal data -- including, for the first time, DNA and fingerprint data -- may be exchanged swiftly and efficiently by national law enforcement officers to help combat terrorism and cross-border crime, including illegal immigration.

Responsibility for joint police operations

The Prüm Decision also included other ways of stepping up border police co-operation, such as "joint police operations", for which it is necessary to refer to what Member State law permits. Police officers involved in a joint operation in another Member State's territory will carry their usual service weapons and wear their own national, uniforms with a distinctive sign and an accreditation document.

Both in joint police operations and in joint action by special intervention units, it should be the host Member State that assumes responsibility for measures taken by the officers crossing the border, stressed MEPs.

The report, drafted by Armando Franca (PES, PT) was adopted with 53 votes in favour and 1 against.


Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs

In the chair: : Jean-Marie Cavada (ALDE, FR)

Procedure: consultation


REF.: 20071217IPR15666