Twee grote programma's structuurfondsen Litouwen van start (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 27 september 2007.

Lithuania's cohesion programmes for the next seven years are being launched today at a ceremony in Brussels. Regional Policy Commissioner Danuta Hübner and Lithuania's Minister for Finance, Mr Rimantas Sadvius, sign the two Operational Programmes that frame actions under the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the Cohesion Fund, with investment worth € 5.7 billion.

The Commission validated the programmes, entitled Promotion of Cohesion and Economic Growth on 30 July 2007. Commissioner Danuta Hübner congratulated the authorities on concluding negotiations on the programmes so promptly: "Lithuania was one of the first countries to submit its National Strategic Reference Framework and negotiations on operational programmes that followed were really fast-moving. This means the authorities can now start selecting projects on the ground. The two programmes will make a substantial contribution to Lithuania's ambition to match the level of social and economic development in the EU-15 Member States by 2015".

  • Promotion of Cohesion will receive investment of nearly € 2.6 billion. It aims to strengthen the potential of local development. Accessible, high-quality public services in healthcare, education and social sectors, as well as better services promoting employment and improving the quality of the environment are high priorities.
  • Economic Growth: This € 3.09 billion programme aims to close the development gap between Lithuania and the EU average. It will boost productivity, especially by fostering innovation and promoting small and medium-size enterprises, and improve infrastructure necessary for business: for instance, the programme will help to build or rehabilitate 1165 km of roads, of which 315 km are part of the Trans-European networks and will benefit several other Member States.

Note for Editors

Lithuania's National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF) was adopted on 14 April 2007.

Cohesion Policy in Lithuania is organised into four operational programmes in total. As well as the two described above, a programme to develop human resources is due to be signed shortly. Finally, a programme on technical assistance (supported by the European Social Fund) is still under discussion.

Total funding: Lithuania will benefit from Euro 6.88 billion to implement Cohesion Policy for 2007-2013.

  • The Convergence objective, has been allocated investment worth € 6.77 billion, and over half of this has been earmarked for 'jobs and growth' in line with the Lisbon strategy. It will be invested in information and communication technologies, research and development, renewable energies, support to small and medium enterprises.
  • Territorial cooperation: €109 million has been allocated for this objective.

Achievements in previous round:

Heart to heart: Last May, there was a popular vote via internet on a shortlist of 11 projects which received EU support in the previous programming period (2000-2006). The winning project linked up hospitals dealing with heart and vascular diseases in a computer network that enabled them to exchange information.

For more on cohesion policy in Lithuania:

More information on the two programmes will be available shortly in specific memos on each.

Further information about European Regional Policy: