Europees Parlement eist dat mobiele telefoonaanbieders roaming tarieven verlagen zoals afgesproken (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Parlement (EP) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 27 september 2007.

As of Sunday 30 September, all mobile phone users making or receiving calls abroad in the EU should benefit from the Eurotariff price ceilings introduced by the EU regulation on mobile roaming, which became law on 30 June. As the transition period during which mobile operators must modify their prices and services to comply with the regulation drew to an end, EP rapporteur on roaming Paul Rübig called on operators to comply fully with the regulation.

Mr Rübig's statement is as follows:

"Transparency is at the heart of the roaming regulation. Consumers are now able to make better informed decisions as to the use of their mobile phones while abroad -- and to choose the roaming tariff that best suits their needs. As of 30 September every customer, when entering another Member State, must automatically be informed, by SMS, of the roaming charges (including VAT) that apply when calling home -- and when making and receiving calls within the country visited. Providers must also offer a toll-free number to all their customers -- this, to enable them to request more detailed personalised pricing information on the roaming charges that apply to voice calls, SMS, MMS and other data communication services. Although the Regulation does not provide for price limits for such services, enhanced transparency is necessary to achieve a truly competitive market in this sector and to thus avoid regulating prices of data services in the future.

I would like to call on mobile operators to comply fully with the whole of the roaming Regulation by 30 September and on the European Commission, working closely with the National Regulatory Authorities, to ensure its consistent enforcement throughout the Union.

The time to deliver has come!"


REF.: 20070927IPR10875