Commissaris Rehn ongelukkig met politehervorming in Bosnië-Herzegovina (en)

vrijdag 31 augustus 2007

By rejecting High Representative/EU Special Representative Miroslav Lajcak's draft police reform proposal even without discussion, party leaders Haris Silajdzic and Sulejman Tihic have undermined ongoing efforts to reach an agreement on police reform.

This has set back Bosnia and Herzegovina's chances of concluding a Stabilisation and Association Agreement. Bosnia and Herzegovina now risks falling farther behind its neighbours and ending up last on the road to Europe.

Commissioner Rehn i said: "I thank Mr. Lajcak for his efforts to facilitate a comprehensive agreement on police reform that enables the Bosnia and Herzegovina to move towards the European Union.

Mr. Lajcak has my full support. His draft proposal on police reform is in line with the three EU principles set out by the European Commission. I strongly encourage all political parties to continue to work constructively with Mr. Lajcak on the basis of his proposal and reach a comprehensive agreement without delay."

Without an agreement on police reform in accordance with the EU's three principles, the EU is unable to conclude a Stabilisation and Association Agreement with Bosnia and Herzegovina.