Lucht tussen Turkije en Cyprus nog niet geklaard (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Fins voorzitterschap Europese Unie 2e helft 2006 i, gepubliceerd op maandag 27 november 2006.

The Finnish Presidency has held intensive consultations at political and officials' level with all parties. The objective has been to find a solution that would enable the uninterrupted continuation of Turkey's accession process and would improve the situation of both communities in Cyprus.

"This morning, I met first with the Cypriot Foreign Minister Lillikas and later had a meeting with the Turkish Foreign Minister Gül. Unfortunately, we have come to conclusion that at this stage circumstances do not permit that an agreement could be reached during the Finnish Presidency," says Foreign Minister Erkki Tuomioja.

According to Minister Tuomioja, all parties have cooperated constructively with the Presidency. The Presidency also appreciates the strong support that it has received from EU Member States and other partners, including the UN.

"The Presidency will immediately, together with the Commission, start preparing the handling of the continuation of Turkey's EU accession negotiations. Our intention is that the General Affairs Council on December 11 will decide on the matter."

"The aim has not been to resolve the Cyprus problem. However, the successful conclusion of our talks would also have been an encouraging step forward in view of the UN efforts to this end, for which the Finnish Presidency continues to give its full support. We welcome the positive replies from the leaders of the two communities to the proposals suggested by Under-Secretary General Gambari. It is important that this work starts quickly and leads to the resumption of talks on a comprehensive settlement."