Merkel hoopt dat Fins compromis over Cyprus voor Turkije aanvaardbaar is (en)

Met dank overgenomen van EUobserver (EUOBSERVER) i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 6 oktober 2006.
Auteur: | By Mark Beunderman

German chancellor Angela Merkel has expressed hope that a Finnish compromise proposal will end the stalemate over Cypriot shipping to Turkey, ensuring that Ankara can continue its EU entry talks.

Ms Merkel, who is currently making a closely watched trip to Turkey, said she hopes a freeze in Turkey's ongoing EU accession talks can be averted on the basis of a plan by the Finnish EU presidency on the thorny Cyprus issue.

"We have a Finnish proposal on the table now, and I have heard with interest that this proposal is being welcomed by Turkey, too," Ms Merkel stated after meeting Turkish prime minister on Thursday (5 October), according to press reports.

Finland has proposed that the EU end the economic isolation of the Turkish Cypriot community in return for Turkey opening its ports and airports to traffic from EU member state Cyprus - a key condition put on Ankara by Brussels.

Finnish prime minister Matti Vanhanen said last week that Helsinki is "actively working to reach a solution which would enable direct trade between the EU and Northern Cyprus."

"Our aim is a solution that would also ensure that Turkey proceeds with the opening of ports to Cypriot vessels," he added.

The trade-off solution, also promoted by the US, is likely to see a UN role in supervising trade with the Turkish-occupied north of Cyprus, which would pave the way for the Cypriot government in Nicosia to agree to direct EU trade to the north.

But Turkish newspaper Zaman reports that Helsinki's proposals, which include UN supervision of the northern Cypriot port of Gazimagosa, are still being seen as too ambiguous in Ankara, which also wants to see assurances on the opening of the Ercan airport.

Mr Erdogan after meeting Ms Merkel insisted that the economic isolation of the Turkish Cypriots be ended.

"Is northern Cyprus an area of terrorism? Is it a centre of illicit drug trafficking? Why are you imposing isolation on Turkish Cypriots?," he asked referring to the international trade embargo imposed on the North.

Merkel and Turkey

Ms Merkel's visit to Turkey is politically difficult as she was known before she became chancellor as an opponent of fully-fledged Turkish EU membership.

Since being in office, she has chosen to take a constructive approach towards Ankara not least because her coalition partner at home - the social democrats - are staunch backers of Turkish accession.

But in an interview with German television in Istanbul on Friday, the German leader said that "these [Turkish accession] negotiations are being conducted in an open way," adding that only at the end of the talks will it be decided "what the result is," indicating that full membership as an outcome is not ensured.

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