Turkije bereid tot ondertekening douane-unie met Cyprus (en)

Met dank overgenomen van EUobserver (EUOBSERVER) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 30 maart 2005, 9:52.
Auteur: | By Lisbeth Kirk

Turkey is ready to sign the protocol extending its customs union with the European Union to the ten new member states, including Cyprus, Ankara has confirmed in a letter sent to the European Commission.

The signing of the protocol is a key condition before Turkey can start accession talks with the EU on 3 October.

Turkish leader Recep Tayyip Erdogan already committed his country to extending the 1963 customs agreement to cover the new members - including Cyprus - at the EU summit in December.

In return, EU leaders agreed to set a date for starting negotiations on EU membership with Turkey.

However, Turkish Foreign Minister Abdullah Gul stressed that extending the protocol would in no way signify Turkish recognition of the Cypriot government.

"The signing of the protocol is not a legal and formal recognition of the Republic of Cyprus", a commission spokeswoman said on Tuesday (29 March).

But signature of the agreement would mean acknowledging Cyprus as an EU member - something which has not been the case to date.

In Nicosia, government spokesman Kypros Chryssostomidis pointed out that the signature would allow Cypriot aircraft to enter Turkish airspace and Cypriot-flagged ships access to Turkish ports, according to the Greek daily Ekathimerini.

This is of particular importance to Cyprus - which has the EUs third largest fleet.

Turkey banned Cypriot ships from its ports in 1987.

"The Commission has consistently reminded Turkey that those restrictions have to be removed", the Commission spokeswoman said, according to Reuters.

"Under the customs union, such restrictions cannot exist".

Cyprus has been divided since 1974 after Turkey invaded the island in reaction to a Greek-inspired coup in Nicosia - Ankara recognises only the Turkish northern part of the island.

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