Tegenstemmers EU-grondwet in Europees Parlement zijn met name Tsjechen, Polen en Britten (en)

Met dank overgenomen van EUobserver (EUOBSERVER) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 13 januari 2005, 9:45.
Auteur: | By Lucia Kubosova

EUOBSERVER / BRUSSELS - As a new member state, Poland had the highest percentage of MEPs not supporting the European Constitution during a vote on Wednesday (12 January).

Out of a total of 54 Polish MEPs, 38 either voted against (35.8%) or abstained (35.8%) from voting on a report endorsing the new Constitution.

The Czech Republic had the highest percentage actually voting against (68.2%) with no abstentions.

Most of them came from the Civic Democrats party (ODS). This main opposition party in the Czech Republic, which was founded by well known Eurosceptic and current President Vaclav Klaus.

The third country with such high votes against was the UK with 58.9% against and 1.4% absentions.

If citizens were to follow the pattern of these votes during a national referendum on the Constitution, it would cause a political crisis in the EU.

While the UK and Poland are set to hold a referendum, it is still not certain whether the Czech Republic will. The opposition ODS is trying to push forward a bill to allow a referendum.

However, during the vote yesterday MEPs from some countries, such as Slovenia and Latvia, voted entirely in favour.

Similarly, most Spanish MEPs, whose country is to be the first to have a referendum on the Constitution on 20 February, voted in favour. Just three voted against.

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