Ruime meerderheid Spanjaarden voorstander van EU-grondwet (en)

Met dank overgenomen van EUobserver (EUOBSERVER) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 18 november 2004, 9:56.
Auteur: | By Richard Carter

Spaniards are overwhelmingly in favour of the new EU Constitution, a new poll has revealed.

If a referendum were held now, only four percent of Spaniards would vote against the new Treaty, according to the survey by the Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas (CIS).

Forty-five percent would vote in favour whilst almost one third are undecided.

But Spaniards do not feel they know much about the Constitution. Over three in ten (31.6 percent) say their knowledge about the Constitution is "non-existant", whilst 18.3 percent say it is "very low" and 40.6 percent "low".

Less than one percent of people (0.5 percent) believe their knowledge of the Constitution is "very high".

Spain will hold a referendum on 20 February.

CIS interviewed 2495 Spaniards between 21 and 26 October.

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