Solana dringt aan op normalisering betrekkingen tussen Slovenië en Kroatië (en)

Met dank overgenomen van EUobserver (EUOBSERVER) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 29 september 2004, 17:41.
Auteur: | By Lisbeth Kirk

Slovenian Prime Minister Anton Rop has eased his recent threats to block Croatia's application for European Union membership because of border disputes.

"Croatia's membership in the EU remains Slovenia's long-term interest, although Slovenia believes that it needs to fulfil the criteria, just like all other countries," Mr Rop told a press conference yesterday (28 September).

On a visit to the Balkans, EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana urged Slovenia and Croatia to settle their border dispute through dialogue.

"The European Union is a place where conflicts and disagreements are solved through dialogue," he said after meeting with the Slovene Prime Minister.

"There is no other way. I am ready and willing to help catalyse that dialogue to solve the problem," Mr Solana said.

Disputed land

Croatia continues to lay claim to most of the territorial waters along Slovenia's coast, effectively denying Slovenia full access to international waters.

The two countries signed an accord covering the disputes in 2001, but Croatia has since declined to ratify it, according to the IHT.

Slovenia is holding general elections on Sunday and the border issue has been exploited by politicians belonging to the leading parties.

Croatia is expected to start formal negotiations for EU membership next year and perhaps enter the EU in 2007, along with Bulgaria and Romania.

Slovenia, a member of the EU since May, could however prevent Croatia from becoming a member of the bloc because ratification by all EU's 25 states is required for the approval of new members.

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