Valdas Adamkus nieuwe president van Litouwen (en)

Met dank overgenomen van EUobserver (EUOBSERVER) i, gepubliceerd op maandag 28 juni 2004, 9:54.
Auteur: | By Marcin Frydrych

Former Lithuanian president Valdas Adamkus has been re-elected as Lithuania's president on Sunday following an impeachment of Rolandas Paksas in April this year.

With nearly all votes counted, he had nearly 52 percent of the total votes.

Mr Adamkus, who was Lithuania's president from 1998 to 2003, is the statesman who paved the way for the ex-Soviet republic to join the European Union and NATO.

Mr Adamkus won the run-off against Kazimiera Prunskiene, a socialist candidate, backed by ousted president Rolandas Paksas and regarded as a pro-Moscovite.

The parliamentary election in Lithuania is scheduled for autumn this year.

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