Berlusconi's Forza Italia verliest fors tijdens Europese verkiezingen (en)

Met dank overgenomen van EUobserver (EUOBSERVER) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 15 juni 2004, 9:40.
Auteur: | By Sharon Spiteri

Italian prime minister Silvio Berlusconi suffered a big defeat in the European Parliament elections, where his party was beaten by his arch rival Commission President Romano Prodi's centre-left `Ulivo' coalition.

According to the latest figures, the Olive Tree coalition won 31.1 percent of the votes while Silvio Berlusconi's party, Forza Italia, got 21 percent.

"We are the new point of reference of Italian politics", Mr Prodi said.

Even after figures are added from other parties, the centre-left parties still emerge victorious with 46.1 percent (37 MEPs) - in contrast to 45.4 percent (36 MEPs) for the centre-right.

"I take full responsibility", Mr Berlusconi said referring to the decline in votes of his party, putting the blame for the government's bad result on the current negative economic cycle.

Mr Berlusconi had hoped to attract votes by heading the lists of his Forza Italia party.

But famous TV news reader Lilli Gruber, who ran with the `Ulivo', got double the number of votes he obtained in the regions in the centre of Italy.

"I beat the master of TV", Ms Gruber said, who had resigned from state broadcaster Rai after criticising Mr Berlusconi's media influence.

But this was not Mr Berlusconi's only defeat. Gianfranco Fini, the vice-Premier and head of the right-wing Alleanza Nazionale, also gained more votes than him in these regions.

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