Cultuurministers wijzen culturele hoofdsteden 2007 (Luxemburg en Sibiu) en 2008 ((Liverpool en Stavanger) aan (en)

Met dank overgenomen van EUobserver (EUOBSERVER) i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 28 mei 2004, 9:54.
Auteur: | By Lisbeth Kirk

European Culture ministers on Thursday (27 May) formally agreed to name Liverpool in the UK and the Norwegian town Stavanger, European Capitals of Culture in 2008.

They also decided that Luxembourg and Sibiu in Romania would share the honours in 2007.

The Council launched the European Capital of Culture event in 1985, at the initiative of Greek Minister Melina Mercouri.

The event has been used as an opportunity for the chosen city to showcase itself and to attract investment.

In 2000 the EU had no less than nine Cultural Capitals. After fears that the title was losing currency the selection procedure was reformed and from 2005 onwards only two cities will share the title each year.

The new procedure is based on a rotation principle, with individual EU member states able to suggest one or more Cultural Capitals for a particular year.

In 2009 cities in Austria and Lithuania have the chance to host the title, in 2010 it will be cities in Germany and in Hungary.

Chronology of host countries:

2005 Ireland (Cork)

2006 Greece (Patras)

2007 Luxembourg - Romania (Sibiu)

2008 United Kingdom (Liverpool) - Norway (Stavanger)

2009 Austria - Lithuania

2010 Germany - Hungary

2011 Finland - Estonia

2012 Portugal - Slovenia

2013 France - Slovakia

2014 Sweden - Latvia

2015 Belgium - Czech Republic

2016 Spain - Poland

2017 Denmark - Cyprus

2018 Netherlands - Malta

2019 Italy

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