Baskische partij uitgesloten van Europese verkiezingen (en)

Met dank overgenomen van EUobserver (EUOBSERVER) i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 28 mei 2004, 9:59.
Auteur: | By Andrew Beatty

The Spanish constitutional tribunal has ruled that the left-wing Basque nationalist party Herritarren Zerrenda (HZ) may not run in this year's European election.

The court yesterday (27 May) declared that the Basque party was a reformation of the outlawed Batasuna party and so could not present candidates on 13 June.

After two days of deliberations, the tribunal unanimously voted for the ban that was supported by both the ruling socialist party and the popular party of Mariano Rajoy.

The panel of judges ruled that HZ was the "continuity and successor" to a string of proscribed groups linked with Euskadi Ta Askatasuna (Basque country and freedom) or ETA - as the group is commonly known.

The tribunal ruled that although all ideologies are guaranteed freedom in the constitution, the text should not be used to support those using illicit or violent methods nor terrorist intimidation.

HZ announced that it would be submitting its candidature all over the Basque country despite them being judged null and void.

A spokesperson for the Left wing Izquerda Unida (United left) party, Juan Sánchez Vallejo, described the decision as "undemocratic" and said that he hoped the European Court of Justice would overturn the verdict.

There is currently one MEP linked to HZ in the European Parliament - Koldo Gorostiaga Atxalandabaso.

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