Britse anti-EU partij staat in peilingen derde (en)

Met dank overgenomen van EUobserver (EUOBSERVER) i, gepubliceerd op maandag 24 mei 2004, 17:44.
Auteur: | By Marcin Frydrych

The eurosceptic UK Independence Party (UKIP), campaigning for the UK to withdraw from the EU, could come third in the European elections, according to a new poll published today (24 May).

The YouGov survey for the Daily Telegraph shows that, amongst people who say they are "very likely" to vote, UKIP comes third with 18 points, behind the centre-left Labour party on 23 points and the centre-right Conservatives on 31 points.

However, if all potential voters are taken into account, the centre-right Conservatives would poll 28 points, the centre-left Labour party 27, followed by the Liberal Democrats on 18 points and UKIP with 14 points.

If this first result is reflected in the final poll, UKIP would push the more established Liberal Democrats into fourth place.

And UKIP would win more than a dozen seats in the elections, which take place on 10 June.

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