EU-klokkenluider Paul van Buitenen verliest kandidaat voor lijst-'Europa Transparant' (en)

Met dank overgenomen van EUobserver (EUOBSERVER) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 8 april 2004, 9:36.
Auteur: Mark Beunderman

EUOBSERVER / AMSTERDAM - Marta Andreasen, the European Commission's former chief accountant, will no longer run on the European Parliament election list `Europa Transparant' in the Netherlands, headed by Dutch whistleblower Paul van Buitenen.

Mr Van Buitenen announced the news on Wednesday (7 April) at the first press conference of "Europa Transparant", a new one issue-party focused on transparency in the EU.

The party will run in the Dutch elections for the European Parliament on 10 June.

Ms Andreasen, a Spanish citizen, had announced last February that she would join forces with Mr Van Buitenen in his fight for transparency and accountability but has since not been able to formally live in the Netherlands - an official requirement for standing as a candidate in a Dutch party.

"Marta is involved in a disciplinary procedure by the Commission and she stands under heavy pressure. She is still working in Brussels and she needs the full support of her family in Barcelona. Having to live a few days a month in the Netherlands would be too much at this stage", said Mr van Buitenen.

He added that it is not clear who will replace Ms Andreasen.

No transparency until April 28

"Europa transparant" could not provide itself provide much transparency about the specific cases of EU fraud or irregularities which it will bring forward during its campaign.

Mr Van Buitenen explained that as a current Commission official, he is still under obligation to remain silent about a number of topics. His legal status will only change on 28 April, when he will be formally registered as running for the European Parliament.

On that day, the whistleblower will publish his election manifesto, in the form of a book called "In the trenches of Brussels".

Mr Van Buitenen claimed that he will make several revelations in the book, including a major case of EU fraud concerning "an airport somewhere in Europe"- refusing to be more specific.

The Dutchman will not position himself as a eurosceptic during his campaign. "I am pro-Europe", he said, adding that Europe must be "given back to its citizens".

As a European Commission assistant auditor, Mr Van Buitenen revealed serious fraud and mismanagement within the EU institutions in 1998. This led to the fall of the Santer Commission in 1999.

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