Aznar wordt professor aan universiteit in Washington (en)

Met dank overgenomen van EUobserver (EUOBSERVER) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 6 april 2004, 9:55.
Auteur: Andrew Beatty

Outgoing Spanish Premier José Maria Aznar will take up a position at Georgetown University in the US after stepping down from office later this month.

Mr Aznar has been named Distinguished Scholar at the university in Washington DC, where he will teach Contemporary European Politics and Transatlantic Relations to groups of no more than 25 students.

His departure to Georgetown had been rumoured for some time, after he announced that he wanted to work abroad but ruled out a job in Brussels.

His name had been one of those in the hat for the post of Commission president before last month's elections in Spain.

He will follow in the footsteps of Prince Felipe of Spain who studied International Politics at the University.

Classes are likely to be given in Spanish as Mr Aznar rarely speaks anything else in public.

The former tax inspector will take up his new post next autumn.

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