Britse Conservatieven maken EU-grondwet tot campagnethema EP-verkiezingen (en)

Met dank overgenomen van EUobserver (EUOBSERVER) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 25 maart 2004, 9:16.
Auteur: Honor Mahony

The British Conservatives have indicated that the European Constitution is to be one of the main issues in the up-coming European elections in June and all the way to the British general election expected in 2005.

With a quick deal on the treaty blueprint looking increasingly likely for the first half of this year, the British Tories are gearing themselves up for a fight.

Speaking on BBC Radio Four on Wednesday (24 March), Michael Howard the Tory leader said "This Constitution is unacceptable to me and, I think, to a majority of people in this country".

"Were I faced with that position, I would do what has to be done in order to change a situation which is unacceptable".

"I think we will be able, as an incoming Conservative government, to do what needs to be done to safeguard the vital interests of this country", he added.

Mr Howard's words come as there are indications that the UK may be about to soften its stance on some of its 'red line' issues.

The Financial Times reported yesterday that London is considering removing the national veto from key areas of judicial co-operation.

The opposition leader claimed this would enable Brussels to impose quotas on the number of asylum-seekers Britain would be required to admit.

The constitution fight could start in earnest immediately, as EU leaders gathering today in Brussels are expected to agree that there should be a quick deal on the draft treaty - making the next big question whether to wrap it up before or after the European elections in June.

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