Turks EU-lidmaatschap is campagnepunt in Deense EP-verkiezingen (en)

Met dank overgenomen van EUobserver (EUOBSERVER) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 10 maart 2004, 9:58.
Auteur: Lisbeth Kirk

The rightwing Danish People's Party will run a major campaign against Turkish membership of the EU to rally support for the party in this June's European Parliament elections.

The party is also opposed to Bosnian membership because it is a Muslim country.

EU leaders said at the Copenhagen EU Summit in December 2002 that they would decide, at the end of this year, whether Ankara has met the political criteria for joining the EU.

Their decision will be based on a crucial report to be published by the European Commission in October and, if positive, could mean that negotiations on EU membership start as early as mid-2005.

As President of the EU at the time, Danish Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen was very involved in the negotiations, but his support base is split on the Turkish issue.

The Danish People's Party hopes to benefit from this in the European Elections and to capture votes from Mr Rasmussen's liberal party. Opinions differ also inside the main opposition Social Democrat party.

"It cannot be a surprise that candidates on a list have different opinons on Turkey. But I think there will be a general debate in all countries about Turkish relations to the EU", said Mr Fogh Rasmussen in a press conference in Copenhagen on Tuesday (9 March).

Turkish EU membership is also expected to become a main theme in the German European Parliament election campaign, as the Christian Democrat party has decided to push the issue.

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