Controversiële Finse ex-premier Jäätteenmäki kandidaat voor zetel EP (en)

Met dank overgenomen van EUobserver (EUOBSERVER) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 24 februari 2004, 9:45.
Auteur: Marit Ruuda

The controversial former Finnish prime minister, Anneli Jäätteenmäki (Centre Party) has announced that she will run in the European Parliament elections.

The remaining eight Centre Party candidates will be announced this Thursday.

Mrs Jäätteenmäki's career as prime minister lasted only two months before she had to resign in June 2003 following accusations that she misinformed Finnish parliament and the public over how she acquired confidential Foreign Ministry documents on Iraq.

She used diplomatic documents - which contained information about a meeting between the then prime minister Paavo Lipponen and US President George W. Bush - against Mr Lipponen.

Her trial will start at the beginning of March.

In an interview with Finnish daily Helsingin Sanomat, Mrs Jäätteenmäki insisted that she is not running away from anything and she is ready to work on behalf of the rights and interests of the Finnish people.

"There is no denying that after these traumatic and frustrating experiences I would like a new beginning for myself", she said.

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