Voormalige ijshockey-vedette lijsttrekker voor Slowaakse christen-democraten (en)

Met dank overgenomen van EUobserver (EUOBSERVER) i, gepubliceerd op maandag 16 februari 2004, 9:50.
Auteur: Lucia Kubosova

Former star hockey player Peter Stastny is to head the European elections candidate list of the main ruling-coalition party in Slovakia, the SDKU.

"There is no such thing as a college for the European parliament. The people running for it should just represent their fellow citizens, their home country", Mr Stastny said according to the daily Pravda.

However, there are some obstacles in Mr Stastny's path - he neither lives in Slovakia nor does he have the country's citizenship.

He has been living in Canada and the USA for the past 24 years where he used to play for a Canadian ice hockey team.

He has also captained the Slovak national team in various international tournaments and enjoys huge popularity among Slovaks.

Enough skill for the job

If elected, Peter Stastny will join the European Parliament's largest group - the European Popular Party.

But he admitted that he does not know much about the draft constitution or other EU issues.

"However, I'm still convinced I have enough skill and good background for the job. After all, I have practical experience from two countries considered as the world's best developed democracies", the daily SME quotes him as saying.

Prime Minister Mikulas Dzurinda (SDKU) believes that his party's presidium made the right choice: "Peter Stastny supported our efforts to change this country's direction. His nomination is the best nomination for Slovakia".

Mr Stastny first endorsed the SDKU before the crucial elections in 1998 when the former government's leader Vladimir Meciar was ousted from power. He also helped secure popular back-up for Slovakia's membership to NATO and the EU.

Analysts say this is a good publicity move by the SDKU, as it is currently facing a major decline in public support.

The star candidate has now to be endorsed by the party's primary elections in early March.

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