Interreg III-programma financiert grensprojecten in Griekenland en Turkije (en)

maandag 9 februari 2004

The European Commission adopted a cross-border co-operation programme between Greece and Turkey, which will be financed by the Community Initiative INTERREG III. The programme covers the whole of the eligible neighbouring regions of the two countries for the period 2004-2006. The programme's main objectives are to promote sustainable development of the cross-border region and economic co-operation. As far as the Greek side is concerned, the EU contribution amounts to € 35 million and the Greek national/regional public co-financing to € 11.6 million. For actions on the Turkish side, the Community will make available € 15 million under the pre-accession instrument for Turkey which will add to € 4.4 million provided by Turkish national co financing

Announcing the decision, Michel Barnier, Commissioner in charge of regional policy, said: "Developing cross-border co-operation between Greece and Turkey marks a historic milestone in the relations between both countries. This programme is primarily aimed at upgrading the infrastructure in the cross-border area and the development of cross-border co-operation in fields such as business development, environment or culture. I am sure it will have a noticeable impact for the people in the regions concerned and opens a perspective of strengthening relations in the future".

Günter Verheugen, Commissioner with responsibility for Enlargement added "I welcome this initiative, which provides clear evidence of the desire for closer co-operation between the two countries Through this initiative and the recently launched cross-border co-operation programme between Turkey and neighbouring Bulgaria, the EU is ensuring that no new barriers are erected in south-east Europe as the EU enlarges".

The region for cross-border cooperation spans an area of 81.215 km² which amounts to about 17% and 8% of the total surface of Greece and Turkey respectively. The programme concerns a population of about 8 millions inhabitants which represent about 10% of the whole population of both countries.

Priorities of the INTERREG programme

The overall goal of the programme is to achieve sustainable cross-border socio-economic integration by increasing the sustainable development of the area; overcoming existing barriers and developing human resources.

The programme has three priorities:

  • Cross-border infrastructures. This priority is aimed at measures for the integrated management and the improvement of the border crossings and their links to the urban areas and networks. Community contribution: € 14 million for Greece and € 5.8 million from the pre accession instrument for Turkey.

  • Economic development and employment. The aim of this priority is mainly to reinforce and to strengthen entrepreneurship on both sides of the border and to foster co-operation between economic and institutional actors. Community contribution: € 7 million for Greece and € 2.9 million from the pre-accession instrument for Turkey.

  • Quality of life-Environment-Culture. The aim is to upgrade institutions with a view to increase the quality of life of the citizens, to improve environmental and cultural resources management. Community contribution: € 12.25 million for Greece and € 4.3 million from the pre accession instrument for Turkey.

Another € 3.75 million of Community funding will be spent under the heading of technical assistance for programme administration, information and evaluation, of which € 1.75 million will be spent for the Greek and € 2 million in Turkish part of the programme.


With a budget of € 4,875 million(1) for the years 2000-06 the Community initiative INTERREG III aims to stimulate co-operation between regions in the EU and its border regions. It is financed under the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). INTERREG programmes finance cross-border, transnational and interregional co-operation and projects to reinforce the economy, infrastructure, employment and the environment. The Commission adopts programmes proposed by the national and regional authorities.

Turkey is a candidate to become member of the Union. Turkey, like other candidate countries, benefits from a pre-accession financial instrument providing over €1 billion in 2004-2006 to assist Turkey in its pre-accession strategy. This instrument foresees an allocation of €30 million for cross-border co-operation with Greece and Bulgaria.

Managing authority

The managing authority is located in Greece in the Ministry of Economy and Finance:

Managing Authority for the Greek INTERREG programmes :

3 Mitropoleos street, 5th floor Sindagma Square 105 57

10180 Athens - Greece

Tel. : 210 3726000

Fax : 210 3726017


For information on pre-accession funding in Turkey, the contact point is the National Aid Coordinator Secretariat:

Ambassador Murat Sungar

Secretariat General for EU Affairs

Eskisehir Yolu 9km

06900 Ankara


Additional information

For additional information on INTERREG III see MEMO/01/280 of 25 July 2001 or consult the following website:

(1) 1999 prices