Europa met meerdere snelheden is het 'begin van het eind' voor de Unie (en)

Met dank overgenomen van EUobserver (EUOBSERVER) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 16 december 2003, 9:28.
Auteur: Richard Carter

A two-speed Europe could spell the 'beginning of the end' for a united Europe.

This is the warning from Austrian agriculture commissioner Franz Fischler, speaking yesterday in Vienna.

After the collapse of talks over the European Constitution, French President Jacques Chirac proposed that "pioneering groups" could be established, which could then move ahead at a faster pace than the rest.

But Mr Fischler warned that such a system could break up into several smaller groups, all acting in their own national interest.

"This would be the beginning of the end for a united Europe", he said, according to Austrian paper Der Standard.

"The idea of a united Europe could be sacrificed on the altar of national interests", he added.

"I am concerned that Schröder and Chirac want to create their own Europe".

Vienna on the sidelines

Mr Fischler also said that his country - Austria - would be unlikely to participate in a "pioneering" group.

Although Vienna would have no problems with such a group in the sphere of economic policy, its position on defence and justice would cause difficulties, said the commissioner.

Furthermore, he believes that talks on the Constitution will not be able to begin again until after the European elections in June - reflecting a growing opinion throughout the EU.

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