Spaanse producenten van noten en bonen krijgen 68 miljoen euro subsidie in 2003 (en)

dinsdag 9 december 2003

Today, the Management Committee for Direct Payments supported a Commission proposal to approve an aid of a maximum amount of € 241.50 per hectare for 2003 to be granted by Spain to producers of nuts and locust beans. Their quality improvement and marketing plans finished in 2002. The proposed Spanish national aid should be used to bridge the gap in contributions to improvement plans which expired in 2002 and aid under the reformed Common Agriculture Policy (CAP), which starts in 2004. This Spanish state aid amounts to € 67.6 million for an estimated area of 280,000 hectares. The proposal will now be formally adopted by the Commission.

Commenting on the Commission proposal, Franz Fischler, Commissioner for Agriculture, Rural Development and Fisheries, said: "The Commission has taken this initiative to avoid the abandonment of production of a sector which plays a significant social and economic role in certain Mediterranean regions".

From 1989 to 2002, aid was provided to producers of nuts and locust beans who submitted quality improvement and marketing plans, in conformity with the Regulation(1) on the common organisation of the market for fruits and vegetables. From 2004 onwards, EU aid shall be granted to nut producers under the new CAP reform Regulation(2).

These measures comply with Article 155 of the new Council Regulation establishing common rules for direct support schemes under the CAP. This Article foresees that any further measure required to facilitate the transition from the arrangements related to the improvement plans may be adopted by the Commission assisted by the Management Committee for Direct Payments.

(1)Council Regulation 1035/72 of 18 May 1972 - OJ L 118 of 20.05.1972

(2)Council Regulation 1782/2003 of 29 September 2003 - OJ L 270 of 21.10.2003