Comité van de Regio's stelt wijzigingen voor in concept-Grondwet (en)

Met dank overgenomen van EUobserver (EUOBSERVER) i, gepubliceerd op zondag 16 november 2003, 14:18.
Auteur: Freddie Gjertsen

This report, submitted by the Committee of Regions, evaluates the draft constitution and presents additional proposals which aim at consolidating the advances made in the draft constitution with respect to the constitutional recognition of the EU's local and regional dimensions. The main points are that the CoR wishes to have its full participation in the procedure of revising the treaty secured, as well as a guarantee that the reforms affecting the Council will not jeopardise the participation of regional ministers in its meetings.

The report is divided in two parts; the first part presents the CoR's overall views of the draft constitution, which particularily considers the increased involvement of the CoR in informal Council meetings as a positive step forward. The other part contains the CoR's recommendations and ameliorations to the draft, for example the request that the CoR's areas of mandatory consultation be extended to e.g. agriculture, State aids and services of general interests.

The report contains an annex with precisions regarding the status of the CoR in the constitutional architecture, a list of areas where the CoR wishes to be consulted and the composition of the CoR

CIG 44/03

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