Spanje aangeklaagd wegens zinken olietanker Prestige (en)

Met dank overgenomen van EUobserver (EUOBSERVER) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 13 november 2003, 10:01.
Auteur: Mihaela Gherghisan

Philippe de Villiers, a senior politician from the French county Vendée said Wednesday, 12 November, that he would file a complaint against Spain concerning the Prestige vessel's break-up.

According to the results of a report released for the first anniversary of the accident, which happened on 19 November 2002, Madrid's actions aggravated the tragedy.

Spain had prevented emergency workers from boarding the vessel until it had been towed out to sea.

Mr de Villiers, whose county's coastlines were covered by oil from the Prestige, said he would take legal action against Spain for the part it played in the disaster, according to the BBC.

Prestige, a single-hulled tanker, registered in Liberia, had reported difficulties on 13 November last year and sunk on 19 November spilling 50,000 tonnes of oil into the sea.

This accident led the EU to ban single-hulled tankers carrying heavy fuel oil from its ports.

Environmentalists complain as well

Environmental groups in Europe have planned demonstrations to coincide with the Prestige anniversary.

The World Wild Life Fund says that up to 10,000 tonnes of oil still remain in Spanish and French waters.

And, according to the BBC, a study published by a Spanish University warns that high levels of toxic chemicals have been found in sea food.

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