UN climate change conference (COP27), Sharm el-Sheikh

Panorama van Naama Bay, Sharm el-Sheikh in Egypte
wikipedia/Marc Ryckaert (MJJR)
datum 6 november 2022 - 8 november 2022
plaats Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypte
aanwezigen Ch.Y.J.Gh. (Charles) Michel i, U.G. (Ursula) von der Leyen i e.a.
organisatie Raad Milieu (ENV) i

Main results of the climate implementation summit

President Charles Michel addressing the COP27 plenary

World leaders gathered in Sharm el-Sheikh for the climate implementation summit on 7-8 November to kick off the 27th United Nations climate change conference (COP27).

The EU was represented by European Council President Charles Michel and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen.

During his address to the COP27 plenary, President Michel stressed the urgency of acting now on climate change while also acknowledging that Russia's war against Ukraine has made matters more complex.

In that context, President Michel underscored that the EU’s commitment to climate neutrality remains strong, despite the challenges brought about by the energy crisis, which has been exacerbated by Russia’s weaponisation of energy supplies.

"We are and will remain champions of climate action. We are determined to protect nature, the oceans and the forests, which make up our lungs and are guarantors of human life on earth and of biodiversity."

European Council President Charles Michel at COP27

President Michel and President Ramaphosa co-hosting the roundtable 'Just Transition'

He further stated that the EU must assume its share of the burden in the transition to net zero greenhouse gas emissions and that our climate action comes with three obligations: to developing countries, to the next generation and to our citizens.

In light of Russia's war against Ukraine and the new geopolitical context, President Michel reaffirmed that the EU's goal remains the same - namely climate neutrality by 2050 and net zero emissions - but that we must rethink the transition strategy and that we must rely on the full scope of transition energy sources and diversify as much as possible to ensure security of supply.

In the margins of the climate implementation summit, President Michel co-hosted a roundtable on 'Just Transition', together with the President of South Africa, Cyril Ramaphosa. He also participated at the launch of the 'International Drought Resilience Alliance' and at the event "Accelerating the industrial transition - how to join forces in an open and inclusive Climate Club"

Main results of the COP27 conference

From 6 to 18 November, COP27 will bring together the parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). These include the EU and all EU member states.

The conference will be hosted by Egypt, which holds the COP27 presidency. Egypt's vision is to move from negotiations and planning to implementation.

At COP27, parties will seek to accelerate global climate action while making sure no one is left behind.

COP27 goals

This year's climate change conference has four main objectives:

  • Mitigation: keep the 1.5 degrees global warming target, compared with pre-industrial levels
  • Adaptation: witness an enhanced global agenda for action on adaptation
  • Finance: review progress on the delivery of USD 100 billion per year by 2025 to help developing countries deal with the adverse effects of climate change
  • Collaboration: ensure adequate representation from all relevant stakeholders in COP27, especially vulnerable communities

EU position for COP27

The position of the EU as a whole was agreed by the Council on 24 October 2022. In its conclusions, the Council stressed that global ambition must increase substantially to keep the 1.5°C objective within reach, and called for:

  • collective strengthening of nationally determined contributions
  • all parties to close the book on unabated coal through a phasedown and end inefficient fossil fuel subsidies
  • all countries to scale up efforts to mobilise finance to support climate action

The EU is also determined to work together with all parties to:

On 28 October, the Council also adopted conclusions on climate finance. The aim is to fulfil the global commitment to mobilise USD 100 billion per year by 2025 to help developing countries deal with the effects of climate change.


Previous summit

The leaders' summit at the 26th conference of the parties (COP26) took place in Glasgow, United Kingdom, on 1 November 2021.

See also

Inhoudsopgave van deze pagina:


Raad Milieu (ENV)

De raadsformatie i Milieu (ENV) bestaat uit de ministers (of staatssecretarissen) van milieu. Deze Raad vergadert formeel vier keer per jaar, ook informele bijeenkomsten zijn mogelijk. Namens Nederland sluit doorgaans minister van Economische Zaken en Klimaat (momenteel vacant) aan.

De Raad Milieu is verantwoordelijk voor het milieubeleid van de EU, dat onder meer milieu­bescherming, het behoedzame gebruik van natuurlijke hulpbronnen en de bescherming van de menselijke gezondheid omvat. De Raad Milieu behandelt ook internationale milieukwesties, met name in verband met klimaat­verandering.


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