Informal Meeting of Economic and Financial Affairs Ministers in Prague, Czech Republic

Praag, Tsjechië
© Anton Bussemaker
datum 9 september 2022 14:15 - 10 september 2022
plaats Praag, Tsjechië
locatie Prague Congress Centre, Czech Republic Toon locatie
zender EbS+
organisatie Raad van de Europese Unie (Raad) i

Start date : 09/09/2022

End date : 10/09/2022

Presidency of the Council of the EU,

Economy and the euro,

  • Events/Conf/Fairs
  • Political Meetings

The meeting will focus on the challenges posed by the economic consequences of the war in Ukraine and ways how to handle them; fiscal policy for the future and mutual discussion about ways to ensure long-term fiscal sustainability in the EU; and the possible future development in the area of direct taxation within the EU and the framework for direct taxation within the EU in general.

(The image included is provided by Czech Presidency of the Council of the European Union)

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Inhoudsopgave van deze pagina:


Raad van de Europese Unie (Raad)

In deze instelling van de Europese Unie (kortweg 'de Raad van Ministers' of nog korter 'de Raad' genoemd) zijn de regeringen van de 27 lidstaten i van de EU vertegenwoordigd. De Raad oefent samen met het Europees Parlement i de wetgevings- en begrotingstaak uit.


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