Media advisory - Press briefing ahead of the Agriculture and Fisheries Council of 17 January 2022
Met dank overgenomen van Raad van de Europese Unie (Raad) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 13 januari 2022.
The press briefing ahead of the Agriculture and Fisheries Council will take place on Friday, 14 January 2022 at 15.00.
This briefing will be off the record and will take place in a hybrid format: EU accredited journalists will be able to participate and ask questions either remotely or in person at the Europa building press room. If you haven't registered for one of the previous Agriculture and Fisheries Council press events, please use this link to do so and have the possibility to ask questions remotely.
-Deadline for registration: Friday, 14 January 2022 at 14.00
Further instructions will be sent to all registered participants shortly after the deadline.