Sakharov Prize 2021: press conference after award ceremony in Strasbourg

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Parlement (EP) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 15 december 2021, 8:15.

EP President David Sassoli i will hold a joint press conference with representatives of this year’s laureate, Russian anti-corruption activist Alexei Navalny, on Wednesday at 12.45.

When: Wednesday, 15 December 2021, 12.45 CET

Where: Daphne Caruana Galizia press conference room and via Interactio

President Sassoli will be joined by Ms Navalnaya, Alexei Navalny’s daughter, and Leonid Volkov, one of his political advisers who served as his chief of staff during Mr Navalny’s 2018 presidential election campaign.

With Mr Navalny currently imprisoned in Russia , he cannot attend the Sakharov Prize award ceremony himself. His daughter Daria Navalnaya will receive the prize on his behalf from EP President David Sassoli on Wednesday at 12.00.

You can also follow it live via Parliament’s webstreaming.

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Journalists who have never used Interactio before are asked to connect 20 minutes before the start of the press conference to perform a connection test. IT assistance can be provided if necessary. When connected, open the chat window (upper right corner) to be able to see the service messages.

EU Digital COVID Certificate to enter Parliament

As of 3 November, all people entering Parliament’s buildings are requested to present a valid EU Digital COVID Certificate, including journalists. The EU Digital COVID Certificate proves that a person is either fully vaccinated, has immunity after having recovered from COVID-19 or can show a recent negative PCR test result. Both digital and paper formats of the EU Digital COVID Certificate or of a recognised equivalent certificate will be accepted.

Proof of a negative result of a PCR test carried out within the last 72 hours in Belgium, Luxembourg or France will also be accepted. Please note that the existing precautionary measures, including the compulsory wearing of a medical face mask and temperature checks at entrances, remain in place.