Opening of 13-16 December plenary session in Strasbourg

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Parlement (EP) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 14 december 2021.

On the anniversary of the 2018 terrorist attacks in Strasbourg, President Sassoli i led a minute of silence in memory of the victims, at the opening of the session.

President Sassoli expressed his solidarity with the five people who lost their lives in the attacks, their families and the city of Strasbourg. “More than ever, we must defend the values and freedoms that underpin our diverse and inclusive society. This is perhaps our most sincere tribute to them”, he said.

Outgoing MEPs

Johan Danielsson i (S&D, SE) as of 30 November 2021

Evelyne Gebhardt i (S&D, DE) as of 22 February 2022

Incoming MEPs

Karsten Lucke (S&D, DE) as of 11 January 2022.

Changes to the agenda

A request for urgent procedure on Transitional provisions for certain in vitro diagnostic medical devices and deferred application of requirements for in-house devices will be put to the vote on Monday.

There have been no proposals and no amendments tabled to reject the Council position on the recommendation for second reading by Tiemo Wölken i (S&D, DE) on Health technology assessment. The vote on amendments to this recommendation scheduled for the voting session on Tuesday is therefore no longer required.

Information concerning the distribution of votes is available on the website of the European Parliament under the section “Priority information”.

Requests by committees to start negotiations with Council and Commission

Decisions by committees to enter into inter-institutional negotiations (Rule 72) are published on the plenary website.

If no request for a vote in Parliament on the decision to enter into negotiations is made by Tuesday 12.00 midnight, the committees may start negotiations.

Information on the extraordinary remote participation procedure is available here.