Press briefing on next week’s plenary session - Friday, 10 December, at 11.00

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Parlement (EP) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 9 december 2021.

Spokespersons for Parliament and for political groups will hold a briefing on the 13-16 December plenary session this Friday at 11.00, in Parliament’s Anna Politkovskaya press room.

Key topics next week include:

  • Award ceremony for 2021 Sakharov Prize Winner Alexei Navalny
  • Digital Markets Act: Unfair practices by big online platforms
  • Equality between women and men in the EU
  • Fundamental rights and the rule of law in Slovenia and Poland
  • Debate on 16-17 December European Council and fight against COVID-19
  • Russian threat to Ukraine
  • State of play on the Recovery and Resilience Facility
  • Formal Sitting with Ghana’s President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo

Interpretation of the press briefing will be available in English, French and German.

Journalists wishing to actively participate and ask questions, please connect via Interactio by using this:

You can follow it live from 11.00 on Friday in Parliament’s Anna Politkovskaya press room or via Parliament’s webstreaming and EbS+.

Practical information for journalists

Accredited journalists wishing to attend the meeting can do so, on condition of respect for social distancing (1.5m). As of 3 November, all people entering Parliament’s buildings are requested to present a valid EU Digital COVID Certificate, including journalists. The EU Digital COVID Certificate proves that a person is either fully vaccinated, has immunity after having recovered from COVID-19 or can show a recent negative PCR test result. Both digital and paper formats of the EU Digital COVID Certificate or of a recognised equivalent certificate will be accepted.

Proof of a negative result of a PCR test carried out within the last 72 hours in Belgium, Luxembourg or France will also be accepted. Please note that the existing precautionary measures, including the compulsory wearing of a medical face mask and temperature checks at entrances, remain in place.

Information for the media - Use Interactio to ask questions

Interactio is only supported on iPad (with the Safari browser) and Mac/Windows (with the Google Chrome browser).

When connecting, enter your name and the media you are representing in the first name / last name fields.

For better sound quality, use headphones and a microphone. Interpretation is only possible for interventions with video.

Journalists who have never used Interactio before are asked to connect 30 minutes before the start of the press conference to perform a connection test. IT assistance can be provided if necessary.

For more details, check the connection guidelines and recommendations for remote speakers.