Together for a Resilient Europe
The Slovenian, Portuguese and French Presidencies hereby express their support for the mandate of the High-Level Group on post-COVID economic and social challenges that was convened on the initiative of Commissioner Gentiloni.
This group is examining the challenges of the post-pandemic economy and will suggest measures and structural changes that aim to build back a better Europe.
Following the Recovery Summit in Lisbon at the end of June, where the discussion on policy options for a stronger and more competitive EU was launched, the Presidencies decided to continue this work by welcoming the analysis of an independent expert group. We look forward to the publication of the High-Level Group’s contributions that is expected in the coming months. These contributions will be an important element to feed the constructive debate ahead of us.
The Group will reflect on how to respond to the aftermath of this crisis and how to promote the growth potential of Europe, taking into account the green and digital transition. It will also take stock of the past decade in terms of policy-mix and economic coordination in the euro area and the EU and to highlight what needs to be addressed for the decade to come. In addition, it will look into social and economic divergences within the Member States and between them, with a view to contributing to the resilience of the EU.