Forward look: 29 November - 12 December 2021
Education, Youth, Culture and Sport Council, Monday 29 and Tuesday 30 November 2021
The Education, Youth, Culture and Sport Council will deal with blended learning approaches, civic spaces for youth, availability and competitiveness of European audiovisual and media content and key features of a European Sport Model among other things.
Transport, Telecommunications and Energy Council (Energy), Thursday 2 December 2021
Ministers will hold a debate on the surge in energy prices and exchange views on the progress reached on the proposals to amend the renewable energies and the energy efficiency directives, that are part of the “Fit for 55 package”.
Transport, Telecommunications and Energy Council (Telecommunications), Friday 3 December 2021
The Council is aiming for a general approach on a high common level of cybersecurity across the EU (‘NIS2’) and will assess progress on the Artificial Intelligence Act, a framework for a European Digital Identity and the Path to the Digital Decade. Ministers will hold a policy debate on digital rights and principles.
Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council, Monday 6 and Tuesday 7 December 2021
The Council will aim to adopt general approaches on a directive on adequate minimum wages in the EU and on a directive on binding pay transparency measures as well as approve conclusions on sustainable work over the life course and on the impact of artificial intelligence on gender equality in the labour market.
Health ministers will aim to reach a political agreement on a Council regulation on the emergency framework regarding medical countermeasures. They will also exchange views on current and future responses to the COVID-19 pandemic and aim to approve conclusions on strengthening a European Health Union.
Economic and Financial Affairs Council, Tuesday 7 December 2021
Ministers will exchange views among other things on the implementation of the Recovery and Resilience Facility, on the Capital Markets Union the progress made in strengthening the banking union, on the legislative package on the anti-money-laundering and the Fit for 55 package. Ministers will be possibly be invited to agree on the proposal for a Council Directive regarding rates of value added tax.
Transport, Telecommunications and Energy Council (Transport), Thursday 9 December 2021
The Council will hold a policy debate on ensuring a level playing-field for sustainable air transport, supporting the deployment of alternative fuels infrastructure and promoting the use of renewable and low-carbon fuels in maritime transport, all under the Fit for 55 package.
Justice and Home Affairs Council, Thursday 9 and Friday 10 December 2021
Home affairs ministers will hold a debate on migration as a hybrid attack tool. They will also discuss the Next Generation EU recovery funds and how infiltration by organised crime can best be prevented. Ministers will take stock of progress regarding the directive on the resilience of critical entities and the Council regulation on a Schengen evaluation and monitoring mechanism.
Justice ministers will discuss lessons learned from the Covid-19 pandemic for the funcioning of courts and the judicial review and scrutiny of emergency measures. They will be updated on the state of play of the EU accession to the European Convention of Human rights. Ministers will also take stock of progress regarding the e-evidence regulation.