Conference on the Future of Europe: European Citizens' Panels go online

Met dank overgenomen van Sloveens voorzitterschap Europese Unie 2e helft 2021 i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 4 november 2021.

Following the first set of sessions of the European Citizens' Panels that took place in the European Parliament in Strasbourg in September and October, the second sessions are set to start - this time purely in virtual format.

On 5-7 November, the first panel of 200 randomly selected citizens from different backgrounds and from all across the EU will continue its discussions on a stronger economy, social justice, jobs, education, culture, youth, sport and digital transformation.

You can follow the livestreaming of the plenary parts of the citizens' deliberations on Friday and Sunday afternoons on the multilingual digital platform.

The other three European Citizens' Panels will also hold their second sessions online as follows:

  • Panel 2: European democracy/values and rights, rule of law, security - 12-14 November;
  • Panel 3: climate change, environment/health - 19-21 November;
  • Panel 4: EU in the world/migration - 26-28 November.

The citizens' recommendations will be finalised and endorsed in the third and final session of deliberations, which will take place with live participants in educational institutes of four EU Member States (Dublin - Panel 1, Florence - Panel 2, Natolin - Panel 3 and Maastricht - Panel 4) and then presented to the conference plenary in December or January.

The Conference on the Future of Europe is a priority of the Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the EU.

More information:

Multilingual digital platform

European Citizens' Panels
