Speech by President von der Leyen at Leaders' Event: Action on Forests and Land Use in Glasgow
Thank you for stressing the importance of working with producer countries like Ghana.
Protecting forests, sustainably managing them and caring for the land is our shared priority.
Not only because these ecosystems are essential for the stability of our climate. But also because they continue to provide livelihoods for hundreds of millions of people right around the world.
In many forest communities around the world, tradition, culture and craftsmanship are very alive.
Therefore, protecting forests is also about protecting that heritage.
We need to better listen to indigenous communities, producers, consumers and traders.
We have since long been working in partnership with producing countries to reduce pressures on forests.
This partnership approach is the key to halting deforestation andrestoring forests.
We redirect finance in support of more sustainable land-use.
And we have made forest protection an integral part of our relations with trading partners.
Let me give you some examples:
We have a Green Alliance with Japan. We have an Environment and Climate Dialogue with China. But we also know how important it is to play our part at home.
We have to reduce the EU's consumption footprint on land and forests around the world. European voters and consumers are making this increasingly clear to us: they no longer want to buy products that are responsible for deforestation or forest degradation.
This is why we will soon propose a regulation to tackle EU-driven global deforestation. Commodities and products placed on our market should not lead to deforestation.
But we will do this by working in close partnership with producing countries.
Working in partnership is essential.
It is in that context that I am pleased to announce that the Commission will provide €1 billion to the global forest pledge. €250 million of these will be specifically for the Congo Basin pledge.
And I am pleased to sign up to the Declaration for the EU, along with the joint statement on a road map for action on forests, agriculture and commodity trade.
Europe is delighted to be part of this ambitious movement to protect our climate, to protect our heritage and to protect forest.