Improving consumer protection in the digital age and in tourism

Met dank overgenomen van Sloveens voorzitterschap Europese Unie 2e helft 2021 i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 23 september 2021.

Improving consumer protection in the digital age and in tourism

On Friday, 24 September 2021, the ministers from the EU member states responsible for consumer protection will meet at Brdo pri Kranju. The meeting will be chaired by Minister of Economic Development and Technology Zdravko Počivalšek. It will also be attended by Commissioner Didier Reynders i.

Minister of of Economic Development and Technology Zdravko Počivalšek

The participants will discuss priority tasks and future measures for consumer protection with a focus on the improvement of consumer rights in the digital age and in tourism.

The COVID-19 pandemic has led to a strong upsurge in online product sales which calls for urgent additional consumer protection. In online shopping, consumers are exposed to new risks due to sales of non-compliant and unsafe products, especially when purchasing on online platforms based outside the European Union, which complicates procedures to check the safety of products.

There is also a growing trend of different types of new loans being offered online, which can be very costly and risky for the consumer. The provision of a higher level of consumer protection is even more important for vulnerable groups, whose members often have neither the knowledge nor the experience of digital tools and are therefore even more likely to become victims of online providers and platforms.

The COVID-19 pandemic has also made it more difficult to guarantee the rights of consumers in tourism, in particular with regard to a refund of their travel payments. When the pandemic hit, tourism companies and tour operators often failed to promptly refund consumers or were unable to refund them at all.

The purpose of the meeting is to obtain the opinions of EU member states on the proposal for a Directive on consumer credits and the proposal for a General Product Safety Regulation and on how to improve consumer protection in the field of tourism and travel.

"I firmly believe that the meeting will be a step forward towards better regulation and thus to a higher level of consumer protection in the future and for future generations," said Minister Počivalšek about the upcoming meeting.

Press contacts

Staša Zabukošek

Spokesperson for the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology

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