Follow us on social media #EU2021SI

Met dank overgenomen van Sloveens voorzitterschap Europese Unie 2e helft 2021 i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 23 juni 2021.

The Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the EU i has launched its social media profiles on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

The Slovenian Presidency's #EU2021SI profiles will provide a wide range of information about the Presidency over the next six months: announcements of political events, news, important decisions, live broadcasts and information on the cultural and promotional programme, as well as photo galleries and videos.

You will also get a glimpse behind the scenes of the Presidency - how we prepare for events, what high-level meetings look like up close - and find out much, much more. Your comments and suggestions are welcome, and we invite you to use the Slovenian Presidency hashtag #EU2021SI.

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Official photos and videos of the Slovenian Presidency are available on Flickr and YouTube.