Conference “From Democratisation to Cultural Democracy - Rethinking institutions and practices”

Met dank overgenomen van Portugees voorzitterschap Europese Unie 1e helft 2021 i, gepubliceerd op maandag 26 april 2021.

On the coming dates of 27 and 28 April, the Conference “From Democratisation to Cultural Democracy - Rethinking institutions and practices” will be held as part of the Portuguese Presidency of the Council of the European Union.

Chaired by the Portuguese Minister of Culture, Graça Fonseca, from the island of Porto Santo (Madeira), this conference will provide an opportunity to debate what “cultural democracy” means, as well as the aim of transforming an insular, peripheral condition into a centre of reflection on and dissemination of cultural policies for Europe.

The conference, which will be in hybrid format (in-person and digital), will feature the presence of Portuguese and European policy makers from the areas of culture and education, as well as two of the most influential philosophers of our time, Jacques Rancière and Chantal Mouffe. Further participants will be the specialist on the relationship between the arts and education, Maria Acaso; and the reference figures in thought on post-colonial and inclusive cultural institutions, Wayne Modest and Maria Lind. There will also be speakers who are recognised for their experience in the relationship between the arts, heritage and digital territories. In addition, the conference will feature a presentation and reflection on the “artivist” work of the Cuban artist Tania Bruguera, and other art projects that contribute to discuss the relationship between art and the community.

The “Porto Santo Charter”, a guiding document containing principles and recommendations promoting full cultural citizenship, will be presented at the end of the conference.

Learn more and register for the event online here.