Space for debate on the participation of young people in European policies

Met dank overgenomen van Portugees voorzitterschap Europese Unie 1e helft 2021 i, gepubliceerd op zaterdag 13 maart 2021.

Giving young people in the European Union a voice and encouraging their participation in political processes and decision-making are the main goals of the European Youth Conference co-organised by the Portuguese Presidency of the Council of the European Union.

At the opening session of this initiative, which will continue for four days, Portuguese Minister of Education Tiago Brandão Rodrigues highlighted the importance of dialogue and the involvement of young people in the “design, planning, implementation and evaluation of policies that are aimed at their lives”.

In this context, the European Union Youth Strategy 2019-2027 is fundamental and the Portuguese Presidency has already presented courses of action it wants to see approved at the Education, Youth, Culture and Sport Council on 17 and 18 May.

“Youth is at the heart of the European project”

European Commission Vice-President Margaritis Schinas i, who also took part in the opening session via video conference, welcomed the provision of a space for discussing ideas and emphasised the importance of young people for the European project.

The European Youth Conference, “Participation of young people in political processes and decision-making locally, regionally, nationally and at European level”, also includes a “hackathon”, until 15 March, on digital participation with and for young people and an informal meeting of directors-general responsible for youth, organised by the Instituto Português do Desporto e da Juventude (Portuguese Institute for Sport and Youth).