Commission welcomes political agreement on Customs programme
The Commission welcomes the political agreement reached today by the European Parliament and EU Member States on the new Customs Programme for 2021-2027. The new €950 million Programme will help further modernise the Customs Union, equipping it with the tools needed to conduct appropriate controls, keep up with increasing trade volumes and tackle new and emerging forms of fraud. It will contribute to the implementation of the Customs Action Plan adopted in September this year.
Paolo Gentiloni i, Commissioner for the Economy, said: “This year has proven once more that the Customs Union is crucial for both our lives and livelihoods. Whether to source vaccines and life-saving equipment, or to ensure smooth trade flows with our international partners, we need to ensure that we have modern, digital customs services that protect both trade and the wellbeing of Europeans. Today's agreement brings us closer to that goal!”
The coronavirus crisis has highlighted the importance of having agile but robust customs processes, and supporting national customs authorities in cooperating and exchanging information. With the help of the new Customs Programme, national authorities will be able to better exchange information and data and devise more efficient risk management strategies to fight customs fraud and respond to security threats. The Programme will also support customs administrations with the right training and tools to transition to a digital environment.
Subject to formal confirmation by the Council and the European Parliament on this provisional political agreement, the final text of the programme should be adopted in early 2021.
On 8 June 2018, the Commission adopted a proposal establishing the "Customs" Programme, as one of the sectoral Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) Programmes. This Programme is the continuation of the existing Customs 2020 Programme and its predecessors, which have significantly contributed to facilitating and enhancing cooperation in the field.