InvestEU Fund for sustainable and social investment ready for negotiations

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Parlement (EP) i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 13 november 2020.

InvestEU aims to be a fund that provides support to EU investors by integrating and simplifying the financing, offered under a single budgetary guarantee scheme.

  • Aim to generate at least €1 200 billion in investments
  • Launchpad for investments which otherwise would be difficult to finance
  • Solvency support to help companies overcome the COVID-19 crisis

On Friday, MEPs gave the green light with 480 votes to 142 and 64 abstentions for the negotiations on the renewed EU programme to support investments and guarantee access to finance. It will address market failures, sub-optimal investments and the investment gap in targeted sectors, for the period 2021-27.

In the adopted text, the Plenary backed reintroducing solvency support. MEPs believe that not all companies have the same level of access to market financing and certain member states may not have sufficient budgetary means available to provide adequate support to companies hit by the COVID-19 crisis. The solvency support will help recovering companies, safeguard employment levels, and counter-balance the expected distortions in the single market (up to around €11 billion.

InvestEU figures resulting from the latest MFF Compromise Package can be found here.

More information about the adopted text, which will be the EP negotiating stance, can be found here.