Keynote speech by President Charles Michel at the ASEAN Business and Investment summit 2020

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Raad i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 13 november 2020.

Thank you for inviting me to this Business Summit. It’s a pleasure to be the first President of the European Council to participate in this important event with so many other leaders. And a special word of thanks to the Vietnamese Chairmanship of ASEAN for their kind invitation to the Forum.

We are meeting at a time unlike any other in our lifetimes. No matter which country or continent, in the East or the West, COVID-19 has an immense impact on our citizens and on our economies. But I see an opportunity in all crises. To overcome this crisis we need to act together. No matter how far apart we are on the map. We all need reliable, trustworthy partners.

In these difficult times, the European Union and ASEAN need each other: in fighting the pandemic, in boosting trade and the economy, in tackling climate change, and in bolstering our security.


On COVID-19, today’s number one challenge is to find a safe and effective vaccine. We are making progress. The EU is at the forefront of the search for a vaccine. And Europe will be at the forefront in making it available to all human beings, rich or poor. The EU is leading multilateral efforts. Thanks to our fundraising campaign, 15.9 billion euros were pledged to secure universal access to vaccines, tests and medicines against the coronavirus. And almost 12 billion were pledged by the European Union together with our Member States.

We will continue to put our expertise and resources to work within the COVAX Facility. We stand in solidarity with Southeast Asia. We mobilised over 800 million euros this year in health and economic assistance. But we need a broader vision and broader commitment. That's why I'm in favour of an International Treaty on Pandemics. We need to improve the international prevention, preparedness, and response when faced with future health crises and pandemics.

EU Response

Our economic response is also robust. The EU has mobilised more than 2.3 trillion euros to face the crisis, of which 1.8 trillion is for the recovery. We want to not only recover, but to transform our economies. We want to make them future proof. For the well-being of our citizens. I see two major transitions: Green and Digital.

We need to:

  • protect our planet,
  • foster new forms of growth and jobs,
  • and strengthen our long-term resilience.

Let me focus on the two issues where cooperation with ASEAN is key.

On Digital. The Covid crisis has shown how important Digital is. But there are many challenges: access to technologies; regulation; data governance; disinformation; security of communications. And we need to make sure that no one is left behind.

On those issues we need to cooperate. We need to learn from each other and exchange best practices. I am convinced that the EU and ASEAN are a good example of this cooperation.

Let me just mention our support for the Master Plan on ASEAN Connectivity 2025. And we must continue to work together towards an open, safe, secure, and resilient cyberspace that supports the digital economy. Our ministers will continue to work on this important issue next month and discuss next steps on connectivity.

On climate change, international cooperation must be at the heart of our global efforts. The EU and Asia have demonstrated clear leadership.

Last year, the EU committed to the ambitious target of climate neutrality by 2050. Last month, Japan and the Republic of Korea joined the same goal. And China has set 2060 as its target for carbon neutrality. Let's hope that in the coming months the United States will join us in this global effort.

The European Union will dedicate one third of its recovery package to the green transition. It is a huge investment of more than 500 billion euros. So there are opportunities for the business world!

This green transformation will not only protect our planet. It will spark our economies, boost growth, and create new jobs and businesses.

Our cooperation is key and we are ready to work together. We will provide at least half of the 1.2 billion euros of the new ASEAN Green Finance Facility. And work together towards an EU-ASEAN Green Deal, joining forces on renewable energy, biodiversity, and climate.

International Partners

COVID-19 has hit global economies hard. You in the business community have witnessed it first hand - in jobs, in businesses, in productivity.

Let me now say a word on our economic cooperation.

Together, we account for almost half of all the world’s merchandise trade. We have a shared responsibility in the global recovery. A recovery based on principles and shared values. On open markets, free and fair trade, level playing field and legal certainty. Europe wants to reinforce its strategic autonomy while remaining open for international trade.

What do we mean by this? Strategic autonomy is about resilience, preparedness, and anticipation.

COVID-19 has revealed vulnerabilities in global supply chains. We need to make sure that these supply chains remain open. We also need to make critical supply chains more secure, more resilient, and more diversified.

Strategic autonomy is not about protectionism. The EU is a strong global player with strong relations with partners around the World: the United States, China, Africa. We have strong partnerships with Asia and we want to strengthen them.

Our EU trade agreements with Japan, Korea, Vietnam and Singapore have given an important boost to our common trade. They will help drive our recovery. And we are negotiating more trade agreements across Asia and the Pacific - from New Zealand and Australia to Indonesia. Our ambition is to ultimately achieve an EU-ASEAN Free Trade Agreement.

EU economic cooperation with ASEAN continues to be robust. With 14 billion euros, we have been the largest foreign investor in ASEAN in recent years. And the EU remains the source of the largest stock of Foreign Direct Investment in the region.

This year we also want to conclude an Air Transport Agreement. This will make travel easier and safer, and help in the post-COVID recovery.


Finally, we can only achieve those objectives when we agree on rules and respect them. This is why multilaterism is key.

International cooperation is the most effective way to save lives - from the threat of COVID to the threat of climate change. This means reinforcing the United Nations. This means making the World Trade Organisation an effective organisation. This means supporting the World Health Organisation.

We need to reinforce the rules-based international order and the respect for international law - from Ukraine and the Eastern Mediterranean to the South China Sea.

Our economies and societies are so interlinked that Asian security is European security. We stand ready to play our role.

Our partnership with ASEAN is at the heart of our policy in Asia. A strong ASEAN is squarely in the interest of the EU. It provides stability for the region, and drives prosperity for its citizens.

A strong ASEAN is a like-minded partner for multilateralism. We want to further upgrade our partnership and make it truly strategic.

In these times of global uncertainty, our common commitment to a multilateral, rules-based order, based on dialogue and mutual understanding, is more relevant and more crucial than ever.

The EU and ASEAN share an increasing number of mutual interests and international goals. We have made positive strides in our relationship. And I’m confident we will build an ambitious agenda, promote closer ties, and deepen our relationship even further. Thank you.