MEPs unanimously condemn recent terrorist attacks in France and Austria

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Parlement (EP) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 12 november 2020.

MEPs call for unity and a robust response to terror attacks, in parallel with additional efforts promoting fundamental freedoms and integration.

In a debate with Home Affairs Commissioner Ylva Johansson i, who announced upcoming EU i initiatives such as strengthening Europol’s mandate and an action plan on integration and inclusion, MEPs pointed to the need to further close the gaps and loopholes in existing counter-terrorism legislation and in its implementation. At the same time, measures promoting integration into our societies, education and non-discrimination should be further developed and supported.

Several members referred to the need to urgently tackle online aspects of radicalisation and hate speech. Some called for inter-institutional negotiations on legislation that would require terrorist content to be removed from the internet to be concluded immediately, whereas others considered it equally important to reach a balanced outcome, protecting fundamental rights and freedom of expression.

Catch up with the debate by VOD